Wednesday, June 21, 2006

People keep speaking about their newly formed habit, the so-called Blogging. At first I was not interested with the idea of blogging. But then it's true technology always tends to charm one and all. Friends started blogging some years back when they were in college. And i keep arguing it's another way of the old internet community which has a very unique habit of people hiding behind masks and posing as some other person.

I used to think that inside the internet, most of the people are hypocrites. But since there was no way to determine the verity of the facts floating around in the web world, i never dared entering it even once when i was in college. But in life there comes some incidents which can change your outlook in many little ways and still make a very large impact. I thought that blogging is the height of feigning. People coming out with the story of their daily life and you don't know whether the person narrating the story is the real one or just another masked one.

But then it's said "change is the nature of life" and so true is it. I started changing my views about blogging when I realised its utility when I was working on some project and I found the answer in some personal blog sites. Slowly things started turning around and i started posting comments in my friends blog-sites. That's what I'll call my first step towards Blogging.
What i found good about Blogging was that it helped me in forming a stance towards any issue and express it freely in the meantime practising my right to express without fear. Since the Wild Wild Web( The way I address WWW) is not owned by anyone, one can freely express his thoughts and opinions without the fear of being prosecuted. It also provide a very good platform for gathering opinions and forming agenda on issues which are political, judicial or injustice done to some section of the society.

And today I am giving my own view about the good things of Blogging in my own Blog site. I've also promised to myself deep inside that I'll try to maintain a professional attitude towards Blogging in my blog space and in my friends too. If more people comes out with their opinions, there will be more awareness and I feel that everyone should atleast try out Blogging once in a lifetime.

Till the next post,
Happy Blogging

Logging out,

Monday, May 29, 2006

why do one look at strangers or tourists with such malevolent outlook? Is it because we all suffer from different levels of xenophobia or is it our animal behaviour which controls our emotions?

The present condition of Bangalore leaves us with nothing else to think about but the great Garden City losing its virginity at the hands of some strangers who don't know about the culture of this great city...... Even when we shift our house or for that matter a trivial issue of changing your cubicle can always leave behind sometimes very bad taste..... But it doesn't mean that this things are really bad.....

When i was informed to shift my cubicle, my first reaction was "why should I"? They should go somwhere else instead and leave me alone in peace........ But since the shift happened and i got a better place, I moved from my old cubicle happily....

So here i would like to draw an analogy between this situation and the one happening in Bangalore right now. The outlash against is just the feeling that a person feels when he's out of his comfort zone. Something like that people settled in this great city is also stuck in the dilemma whether to join the band or be stranded alone.....

If one walks down a street, the usual sight is two dogs involved in chase and bite situation. This is the reaction of a dog when another tries to come into its comfort zone. The same reaction will be forthcoming in this city too because "Man is also an animal but a social one" in the end. No man will give up his hold onto something he loves very easily......

Monday, May 15, 2006

Every morning I get up and decide that from today i'll live for the better part and try to take time out for myself, be more friendly, socialise more, this thing, that thing, etc,etc,etc...... It's been quite some time since I started thinking like this. Because I remember that I used to plan my day everyday and get up from the bed when I was in college. I started thinking about what I need to do to keep myself fit and healthy but any plan which I make nowaday just seems to go down the drain.

Since I left college, life has been a complete mess, not knowing what's going on in my life and not knowing what to do and what not to do. I guess chaos's the name of life and change, it's companion. So i've been trying hard to change myself from the college guy to a responsible man. But telling one and all seriously, it's more easy speaking about it rather than going about performing the tasks. Am I the only feeling like this or are there anyone like me feeling the same? Maybe I'll never know the answer.

It's such a pathetic situation that right now(at 8:00 pm and in my office), I'm sitting in front of the computer and typing away my frustation and my resolution, thinking that at least this blog site will become a talking point among my friend circle. It's interesting and also saddening to think that i've that point of life where I socialise very rarely and spend most of time either working with some idiot project or hooked on to the internet. This virtual world's very tempting and very fake. You fake up anything, nobody knows the secret. Only some person who knows you very well, will know that what I've written here are all fake or not.

I didn't say that whatever I'm going to write in this space is only the truth. So sorry friends, if you are trying to guess what state of mind I'm in right now. It's very funny and at the same time, I feel very nice that I can tell the truth here and still tell people that whatever I've told just now are all false and all manipulated, that too without having to tell lie while looking into a person's eye.

Since this virtual world gives me a lot of power which I never thought I'll ever come to possess, I know I'll continue to have fun like this, leaving my relation with the real world friends and family
reducing to just namesake and I dont' care these days if I'm meeting any of my friends or not. Then I know someday'll come when I'll be dead and i'll be remembered as one of the greatest netizens but there won't be a single person attending my funeral but there will be virtual condolence messages in my mailbox and instant messenger as well as my website and in this blog site too, if it survives.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My journey

The road i tread along, Knowing the challenges.
I care not fro the challenges, for in them I see opportunities
This road never taken & froever will be frogotten.
I walk on this road, caring not about my loneliness
The looming darkness, ever expanding, seems never ending.
My loneliness questions my duties, the calling on the way.
Views and Counterviews, everything seemed dead weight against me!
Sometimes my mind questioning my conscience.
Had i chosen the wrong path, the untrodden one?
The morality of my opinions seem to be crucified On this untrodden road, I walk on alone with
my loneliness.
The speculations, my wrong decisions, all proved wrong.
What a relief! I found You on the way at last.
Your light conforting me, my conscience warming in it.
Lead me to realm of reality, Instill in me the joy of living.
This traveler tired a lot, though my duties accomplished
My Kind friend, your light, the stream of truth and nothing else.
I pray, release me from this tired templeAnd lead me to the realm of reality.
My duties finished, the cold stare, teh speculations never ending
Stay by my side, O kind friend, your light warming me,
I still have to reach the horizon of reality with You.
I still need your light in this dark road.
Why have you stopped mid way, my friend?
We are still far from the horizon of light.
You put your hand on my head saying "you are released"
Then I realise, the ligth is inside me.O Kind friend,
You made me see the reality inside me.
There was no dark road, only untrodden one.
A world full of illusion, i started from on this road
My mind, without any illusion, with the light.
But i still pray, stay by me, your memories always lingering.
And i want to rest froever in the Garden of light,
And i pray my friends be released from this illusion.
The light telling me, I will be answered.